Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Happy Earth Day! ...and so is mine`
Got a call from D'rah fifteen minutes into the date when i was about to sleep. Thanks for the b'day wish. Today woke up great...reached studio around tenplus and there sitting on my desk, a potted plant and a present wrapped. A gift from Ulfy and KN. Luv ya guys. Thanks a mill! conjunction with Gaia's b' thotful of them. Msged them to ask how many times a day do i have to water "Rowanda"... yeah fine...since it's gonna be stuck with me, might as well be identified...and Ulfy was first to reply. She said once a day will do and added, "Eh, but it did come with the table lamp right?". And i go..."Ohh, so it's a table lamp huh? I haven't open it yet." Surprise...surprise` Lol.
Then many wishes came by...thanks for all the wishes people. Appreciate it a million times. Gazza then remind me of the lunch i'm having with him and Fareet. Marv came along as well. He came to hand me the big day invitation card. Thanks for the card...very thotful. Am splendid'ly happy for him. I knew him back then when i was still he's getting married. How time flies. Okay ppl, that doesn't mean u gotta start asking me the question! Lol.
When i got back after lunch, there it was...another wrapped gift. This time humongo. Sitting patiently waiting for me.

This was taken after i shifted it to the floor. So if u knew already.... i opened presents like i'm seven. Hahaha. Eyes wide with glee and anticipation. But i tahan myself for one hour then i started reaping it open. Lol. Thanks to the TIP family!!! haha...what's new in the studio right, we are all crazy about toys. So it was an semi-automatic rapid fire nerf gun. Now there's two nerf guns already in the studio...soon we gonna have a nerf-dart war`
Thanks to the guys who bought me this yummay'licious bagels from Chewy Junior...damnit, the apple-thingy one is such a treat.

It's from Chewy Junior...sumwhere near the atm in bugis junction.

In the evening...took my folks out for dinner. It was a better earth day than last year i feel. Thank you so much peeps.
Last week, met the AnL peeps for dinner at Paragon. So sweet of the family to write me a b'day card...even after a year. One thing u must remember in life, when u leave a place...u abandon the work there... but u carry with u the friendship made wherever u go. And so, thanks for the wishes guys...appreciate it` Merci.
eCar brought for me the present which she surprisingly told me what it was back in March. Thanks ya! Lol.
Batik painting...*grin*. I've never received one for myself in my entire life. I only paint for others before. A first ever batik painting of my own. Thanks eCar! so cool...Grazie`
Thanks people for the cool and hilarious company...
Got a call from D'rah fifteen minutes into the date when i was about to sleep. Thanks for the b'day wish. Today woke up great...reached studio around tenplus and there sitting on my desk, a potted plant and a present wrapped. A gift from Ulfy and KN. Luv ya guys. Thanks a mill! conjunction with Gaia's b' thotful of them. Msged them to ask how many times a day do i have to water "Rowanda"... yeah fine...since it's gonna be stuck with me, might as well be identified...and Ulfy was first to reply. She said once a day will do and added, "Eh, but it did come with the table lamp right?". And i go..."Ohh, so it's a table lamp huh? I haven't open it yet." Surprise...surprise` Lol.
Then many wishes came by...thanks for all the wishes people. Appreciate it a million times. Gazza then remind me of the lunch i'm having with him and Fareet. Marv came along as well. He came to hand me the big day invitation card. Thanks for the card...very thotful. Am splendid'ly happy for him. I knew him back then when i was still he's getting married. How time flies. Okay ppl, that doesn't mean u gotta start asking me the question! Lol.
When i got back after lunch, there it was...another wrapped gift. This time humongo. Sitting patiently waiting for me.

This was taken after i shifted it to the floor. So if u knew already.... i opened presents like i'm seven. Hahaha. Eyes wide with glee and anticipation. But i tahan myself for one hour then i started reaping it open. Lol. Thanks to the TIP family!!! haha...what's new in the studio right, we are all crazy about toys. So it was an semi-automatic rapid fire nerf gun. Now there's two nerf guns already in the studio...soon we gonna have a nerf-dart war`
Thanks to the guys who bought me this yummay'licious bagels from Chewy Junior...damnit, the apple-thingy one is such a treat.

It's from Chewy Junior...sumwhere near the atm in bugis junction.

In the evening...took my folks out for dinner. It was a better earth day than last year i feel. Thank you so much peeps.
Last week, met the AnL peeps for dinner at Paragon. So sweet of the family to write me a b'day card...even after a year. One thing u must remember in life, when u leave a place...u abandon the work there... but u carry with u the friendship made wherever u go. And so, thanks for the wishes guys...appreciate it` Merci.
eCar brought for me the present which she surprisingly told me what it was back in March. Thanks ya! Lol.
Batik painting...*grin*. I've never received one for myself in my entire life. I only paint for others before. A first ever batik painting of my own. Thanks eCar! so cool...Grazie`
Thanks people for the cool and hilarious company...